
Register Company for Foreigner

Register a Foreign Company in Saudi Arabia

Massar simplifies foreign company registration in Saudi Arabia. Our comprehensive services cover taxation, auditing, legal assistance, and administrative support, ensuring a seamless process.

Unlock the Potential:
Advantages of Starting Your Business in Saudi Arabia

100% Ownership

Establish your business in Saudi Arabia with full ownership rights.


Access global markets through Saudi's strategic location.

Investor Confidence

Benefit from growing investor trust with 35% based outside the Kingdom.

Economic Powerhouse

Tap into one of the Middle East's largest economies for lucrative investment opportunities.

Registration Options for
Foreign Companies.

Limited Liability

A Limited Liability Company (LLC) offers business owners a shield from personal liability for the debts and losses faced by the company.

  • Liability Restriction
  • Adaptability
  • Pass-Through the Tax System

Branch of a Foreign

Establishing a Branch gives global companies a presence in a new market, leveraging the foreign parent company’s reputation and resources.

  • International Recognization
  • Simplified Setup
  • Centralized Control

Special Economic

Operating within an SEZ grants businesses tax incentives and regulatory advantages. Key benefits encompass

  • Tax Relief
  • Simplified Regulations
  • Enhanced Advantages

Regional Headquarters

Designating a Regional Headquarters enhances organizational control and coordination across a specific geographical area.

  • Strategic Supervision
  • Region-Specific Impact
  • Centralised Administration

Premium Residency

Opting for Premium Residency offers individuals noteworthy
residence benefits in a specific country.


  • Exceptional Privileges
  • Simplified Residency
  • Upgraded Lifestyle

As an Entrepreneur

Venturing for entrepreneurship demands innovation and risk-taking in the competitive corporate setting.


  • Superior Creativity
  • Adaptability
  • Intelligent Foresight

Saudi business expansion services

Seamless License Acquisition in
Saudi Arabia with Massar

Acquire your business licenses in Saudi Arabia seamlessly with Massar. Our streamlined process ensures a hassle-free experience for obtaining licenses, facilitating the registration of a company in Saudi for non-residents.

Types of Business Licenses in Saudi Arabia

Simplified Business Setup Process in
Saudi Arabia with Massar

 Start you business in Saudi Arabia with just 6 streamlined steps with Massar.

1. MISA Application (Ministry of Investment Services Application)

Initiate your business venture by submitting your proposal to MISA for preliminary approval, outlining your investment intentions and goals.

2. CR Acquisition (Commercial Registration)

Proceed to obtain your Commercial Registration from the Ministry of Commerce, formally establishing your business entity and its scope of operations.

3. MOL Registration (Ministry of Labor Registration)

Ensure compliance with labor regulations and acquire necessary work permits by registering with the Ministry of Labor, facilitating seamless workforce management.

4. GM Visa Procurement (General Manager Visa)

Secure General Manager Visas for key personnel, enabling their legal residency and pivotal roles within your company’s management structure.

5. Government Portal Registration

Enroll in the government’s online portal to streamline communication and facilitate efficient interaction with various regulatory authorities.

6. Bank Account Opening

Wrap up the process by opening a corporate bank account, allowing you to manage financial transactions and demonstrate financial stability, a crucial step in establishing your business in Saudi Arabia.

Key Business Sectors in Saudi Arabia

Explore numerous opportunities for starting a business in Saudi Arabia as a foreigner.
A diverse range of major business sectors in Saudi Arabia fuels its economic growth and diversification.

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